Release Process

Uploading a Tarski release to the Python Package Index


  1. Update the file.

  2. Update the version number in src/tarski/

  3. Commit. Use message like “Preparing for release 0.6.0”.

  4. Go to the master branch and merge the devel branch.

  5. Tag the release.

        export TARSKI_RELEASE="v0.2.0"
        git tag -a ${TARSKI_RELEASE} -m "Tarski release ${TARSKI_RELEASE}"
  6. Run the following instructions from the root directory of the project:

        python3 -m pip install --upgrade twine setuptools wheel  # (optional)
        rm -rf dist/
        python3 sdist bdist_wheel
        # Test first (result will go to
        python3 -m twine upload --skip-existing --repository-url dist/*
        # Then go!
        python3 -m twine upload --skip-existing dist/*
  7. Push all code changes plus the tag to the repo:

        git push && git push origin ${TARSKI_RELEASE}
  8. Check the Github releases page to make sure the new release appears there and can be downwloaded.